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JXDN - WANNA BE (feat. Machine Gun Kelly) (Official Video)
Official video for WANNA BE (feat. Machine Gun Kelly) from the debut album Tell Me About Tomorrow: listen to jxdn's new album, 'WHEN THE MUSIC STOPS' Director: Lonewolf @whylonewolf Executive Producer: McCray Sutherlin @_mccray Producer: Farah Idrees @idr_farah Production Manager: Jagger Corcione @burberryboxers 1st AD: Amanjah Anthony @ateamedia DP: Franklin Ricart @franklinspov 1st AC: Mattews Di Nelson @mattewsdinelson 2nd AC: Joshua Montiel @josh_m_montiel Camera PA: Quintin Betancur @quintin_betancur Steadicam: Emaad Elhardouzi @emaadelhardouzi Gaffer: Taylor Huddleson @tayhudd41 Key Grip: Stu Brumbaugh @spartastudiogrip BBE: Adrian Proleiko @adrian_proleiko Electric: Daniel Kreuziger @dkreuzig Production Designer: Matt Sokoler @sokocreations Art Director: Devin Parker @notdevinparker Leadman (Truck): Sergio Ochoa Leadman (On Set): Jonathan Clemsen @jonny_ut4h Set Dresser (Truck): Justin Aragon @thebreakfastking Set Dresser (On Set): Zach Riddle @riddlemezach Art PA (On Set): Annie Devine @anniedevinetx Art PA (On Set): Dean Rose @bydrozen PA: Alex Chan @imyourfriendalex PA: Peace Kumeh @liberianpeace PA: William Cherry @williamtcherry PA: Arthur Davis IV @pimp4art PA: Garo Kahwajian @garo__kahwajian Stylist: Nat Stowe @nat_stowe Editor: Kenny Shimm @cutbykenny Casting Director: Copelan Cash @copelancash Label: DTA @dtarecords Production Co: Muddy Water @muddywater

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